Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Keep Your Driving Record Clean

A good driving history is necessary because if you have a bad drivers record because of too many traffic fines can end up with exceptionally high insurance rates and can even lose your license which might make life more difficult. Keeping your traffic ticket history clean will help you pay less traffic fines and keep your automobile insurance as cheap as it is right now.

When you are pulled over is when trying to preserve your driving record starts. Being nice and not having an attitude with the officer, even if you are angry, can help your chances of getting a written warning as opposed to a infraction. Because as you are probably aware of, a warning doesn't go against your driving history.

Do parking violations go on your history?

Its best to check with the city in which you received the parking ticket to determine this. Basically if you go ahead and take care of your parking tickets, they will not find their way onto your driving history.

How long does a parking ticket stay on your record?

This varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but a citation can last on your driving history for up to seven years. This can mean that even if you get a single ticket per year you could possibly lose your drivers license.

How to keep traffic tickets off your history and ways to guard your points.

Keeping your record flawless is relatively easy, drive safely and obey all traffic laws. But you might still wind up with a violation. There are a couple of strategies.

Realize that if you decide to contest your violation in traffic court you will not receive any additional points to your driving history. You never know, the ticket just may get thrown out. It can also be reduced. At worst you are found guilty of the citation. It's a no lose option to go to traffic court to try and get your infraction either reduced or taken care of altogether.

Another strategy if you have a clean driving history is to ask for driving school. This can actually be the punishment for the violation and will keep your driving history clean.

To beat your traffic tickets in traffic court, visit

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why Contesting In Court For Tickets Can Hurt You

When you receive a speeding ticket or other ticket on the road generally you pay the violation or you go to traffic court. When someone pays the citation it does not even give one the chance to fight the ticket at all as you are trying to move on with the issue because you are admitting you are guilty.

Fighting a violation in traffic court in a lot of circumstances can actually help because many tickets when contested in the correct way are usually reduced to a lower offense and even dismissed altogether. But what are the chances that going to traffic court to try and get your ticket dismissed might wind up hurting you?

The first way to hurt yourself by showing up to traffic court will involve you being careless with your choice of words. The best defense in the world will not go over very well if you just happen to admit your guilt. An excuse as to why you did whatever violation is not a defense. This poor word choice will get you the full fine on the ticket along with any other negatives associated with that ticket.

Another way to disserve yourself by deciding to go to traffic court is by forgetting and not going. Accepting your right to appear to defend yourself in traffic court means you have to show up when it is scheduled. If you don't appear,You might put yourself in more trouble because the judge will probably issue a warrant for your arrest. This means that any officer can run your license or tags and see that you need to be arrested.

If for any reason, you you happen to forget about the court date it's best to go and get it taken care of as soon as you are able to.

Going to court and fighting citations can be very helpful, but only if you show up at the correct time and date. Otherwise it's probably going to hurt your driving record.

To defeat your speeding fines in court, click over to

How To Make Use Of The Mistake Of Fact Defense With A Traffic Violation

Mistake of fact is a context in which you might have in fact disregarded the law, but because of extraneous circumstances you are not held legally liable. But even if you are not accountable for a traffic infraction you might still want to defend yourself against it sometimes.

So the question remains of how to use this kind of defense strategy?

You must show that there were circumstances beyond your ability to control while getting your traffic citation.

One of the more successful and common ways of accomplishing this is by demonstrating that a traffic signal, if you were cited for failure to stop for example, wasn't working due to an electrical storm or other circumstance. After a storm a tree branch could of covered the traffic sign or it's completely fallen over. For this scenario you are not trying to speed or do anything else wrong. It could be a good idea as soon as possible to go back to where the road sign is obstructed or gone and take photos to defend yourself.

This also happens with traffic tickets where you have failed to stop completely. For example a stop sign might not be there or the lines on the road are faded to where they are not easily seen. Photo evidence will work Best when bringing this up to the judge.

People find that in a lot of situations such as these judges will be sympathetic. When doing this though, just be certain not to admit any wrong doing on your part.You would want to declare that the county did not maintain proper signage to the drivers in that particular instance.

In vary rare instances this defense strategy can be used when the speed limit signs are being changed and you happen to be one that is pulled over that day. This isn't a strong defense strategy but it's an option that you can use.

If you would like to defeat your traffic violations in court, click over to

Speeding Violation Defense Strategies To Help You In Traffic Court

A lot of drivers at some point in their driving career will get a speeding ticket for any number of reasons. A lot of individuals will simply take their violations and pay them. Some like not keeping your drivers license on you or having an expired tag really can not be fought with any kind of strategy or defense. But there are traffic violation defense strategies that can be utilized for different speeding violations.

One of the most traditional defense strategies is that you as the driver were not aware of the violation that you were cited for. Storms will sometimes blow down road signs, speed limit signs, and even yield signs. Sometimes individuals will spray paint over a speed limit or even steal the sign. Your defense in this case is that you were unaware of what rule that you broke because the county didn't have the signs properly posted. If this happens to you, get video or photo evidence as soon as you can to defend yourself.

One other defense strategy is to research your traffic ticket in the area where you received it. Normally there are a few points that have to be proven and some guidelines for the officer. Look at each one of these and see if everything was followed the right way and if they will be able to be proven in court. If you find a mistake with just one of these steps, that can be your defense.

One other strategy is to dispute the credibility of the devices that were utilized to track your velocity if it is a speeding infraction. These devices have to have proper documentation and be calibrated at specified times. If this documentation is not legally up to date, you can get out of the violation as the device's readings are considered unreliable at this point.

Do not be afraid to come up with a defense strategy because the reality is that a lot of times tickets that are contested in traffic court typically win or at least get a reduced fine.

If you would like to beat your traffic violations in traffic court, visit

How Driving And Traffic School Can Help With Tickets And Your License

Several states in the U.S. have point systems set up for various traffic violations. If the speeding ticket is a more severe one like twice the speed limit, you would get more points against your drivers license than for a minor offense like an careless lane change or not securing a load to the car properly. If one gains too many points in a defined time period, your license can be taken away.

Traffic school and driving school can help you with your traffic ticket and lessen the points against your drivers license.

Some states allow people, even if they have not had points on their driving record, to enroll in traffic school to take away points off their license. After finishing the class, the individual is allowed to gather a few more points than beforehand. This ensures that one can keep their license longer. If you're getting near the limit of your points, enroll in a a school like this and of course drive safer. Some jurisdictions will allow a traffic school such as this to be used each year.

Driving schools are an option for having your violation thrown out. If you have had a pretty clean driving driving record, pleaing for driving classes is an option to look at to have your fines reduced and not have points against your license. Now this isn't going to work every single time. In many jurisdictions this is only going to work once. But at least the traffic ticket won't go on the record. And it is a tried and true way of trying to get your traffic ticket taken care of even if you are completely guilty of the charge.

Not getting points isn't only important to being able to keep your license, but it is important for your car insurance premiums as well. If you gather too many points, it's an indication that you aren't a safe driver. Your auto insurance rates will go up as you gather more and more points. Defeating violations be it through driving school, a driving school program, or getting them thrown out in traffic court will certainly save you money.

To defeat your traffic violations in court, click over to

Read Why Traffic Violation Classes Are A Great Option To Defeat A Speeding Ticket

Traffic violation school is an appropriate proposal to ask from a judge when you have traditionally had a fairly clean driving record. It is not like you're getting out of the ticket completely, but for all intents and purposes it is treated the same.

When I got my initial traffic ticket, the amount of the ticket would of been around $150 or so, but I got it reduced and dropped to $20 after a couple hours of traffic school classes. Nowadays you can locate traffic schools online that are compliant with most states. You'll have to hand over some cash in order to pay for the traffic school, but for the long run you will come out well ahead because of not having to pay the steep speeding fine and higher auto insurance premium.

The traffic school I took was on a Sunday morning where we watched videos on the dangers of operating a motor vehicle unsafely alongside with a big emphasis on not driving while drinking. It was actually educational and was not boring at all.

One of the biggest benefit of traffic ticket classes are that the violation won't count towards the points on your license and will not go against your auto insurance premium. Several states have a calculation where the severity of each violation adds to a point system. If you were too get to many points on your record, you may lose your driving privileges. Several states allow you to enroll in traffic ticket school or a defensive driving school before you get a ticket which will give you an extra adjustment of points to make it more difficult to lose your drivers license in the future.

If you gather together a good defense, you can dodge both traffic violation school and the ticket completely. Asking for traffic school isn't as good of a way of getting out of a violation as defending yourself in court, but as a safe driving it is a moderately simple solution.

To defeat your traffic violation in traffic court, visit

Common Ways To Steer Clear Of Traffic Fines

The absolute best way to avoid all speeding tickets is to simply not drive. This isn't possible for the majority of us though since most work for a living. So if you don't like public transportation, the following tips should be helpful. Unless you like riding the bus.

1. Watch your speed. It goes without saying, but if you want to avoid speeding tickets, then DON'T SPEED! It's as simple as that. If you are going to speed - save it for the highways.

2. Be prepared. Avoid speeding tickets by not standing out from the crowd. You can help yourself with this by going around your car and making sure all lights are functioning. Your mirrors, blinkers, headlights and tail lights need to all function correctly.

3. Quality of your vehicle. The cleaner, more up-to-date and overall better looking condition your vehicle is in, the less likely you are to be noticed by the officer. Simple things like a little touch up paint, fixing cracked windshields and various cosmetic repairs will go a long way toward not getting pulled over and getting that speeding ticket.

4. Keep alert. Stay awake while driving. Cops can be anywhere. Take notice of things like bridges and up coming turns in the road, these can be speeding ticket magnets.. Sit up in your seat so you have better visibility.

5. Don't be suspicious. If you drive a 1987 Olds Cutlass then don't go driving in nicer neighborhoods as this will definitely spark a cops interest.

6. Don't draw too much attention. Depending on the car you drive, you may stand out from the rest. High performance vehicles will always catch the attention of an officer before, say, a Ford Escort.

7. Be wary of curves. Approach curves carefully as you never what may be waiting on the other side to give you a speeding ticket.

8. Stay clear of the left lane. Most police officers will admit they will observe cars in the left lane more closely to give speeding tickets to them. It is called the fast lane for goodness sakes.

9. Know the territory. Knowing where you're driving is also very important. There may not be a cop for miles, but look ahead. See that van parked across the street? There's a computerized radar gun and camera inside. If you speed, you will get caught. It's called photo radar and it's important that you know if your city uses this type of method to write speeding tickets..

10. Pay attention ahead of you for brake lights. This is an easy way to be alerted to the fact that there is an officer gunning people for speeding tickets. On highways drivers rarely hit their brakes unless someone has abruptly pulled in front of them.

11. Know what the police drive. Most drivers are oblivious to the fact that the car next to them with tinted windows is an unmarked police vehicle, until it pulls them over and gives them a speeding ticket! They will usually be the same model of cars as the marked police cruisers, just painted like the civilian version.

12. Watch out for speed traps. Speed traps are everywhere. Knowing how to spot one and where they may be in your area can be a great way to avoid a speeding ticket. Check out for a comprehensive list of speed traps anywhere in the US.

Unfortunately you cant avoid all speeding tickets, but you can greatly increase your odds of not getting one by using these tips.

If you want to beat your traffic violation in traffic court, then visit