The absolute best way to avoid all speeding tickets is to simply not drive. This isn't possible for the majority of us though since most work for a living. So if you don't like public transportation, the following tips should be helpful. Unless you like riding the bus.
1. Watch your speed. It goes without saying, but if you want to avoid speeding tickets, then DON'T SPEED! It's as simple as that. If you are going to speed - save it for the highways.
2. Be prepared. Avoid speeding tickets by not standing out from the crowd. You can help yourself with this by going around your car and making sure all lights are functioning. Your mirrors, blinkers, headlights and tail lights need to all function correctly.
3. Quality of your vehicle. The cleaner, more up-to-date and overall better looking condition your vehicle is in, the less likely you are to be noticed by the officer. Simple things like a little touch up paint, fixing cracked windshields and various cosmetic repairs will go a long way toward not getting pulled over and getting that speeding ticket.
4. Keep alert. Stay awake while driving. Cops can be anywhere. Take notice of things like bridges and up coming turns in the road, these can be speeding ticket magnets.. Sit up in your seat so you have better visibility.
5. Don't be suspicious. If you drive a 1987 Olds Cutlass then don't go driving in nicer neighborhoods as this will definitely spark a cops interest.
6. Don't draw too much attention. Depending on the car you drive, you may stand out from the rest. High performance vehicles will always catch the attention of an officer before, say, a Ford Escort.
7. Be wary of curves. Approach curves carefully as you never what may be waiting on the other side to give you a speeding ticket.
8. Stay clear of the left lane. Most police officers will admit they will observe cars in the left lane more closely to give speeding tickets to them. It is called the fast lane for goodness sakes.
9. Know the territory. Knowing where you're driving is also very important. There may not be a cop for miles, but look ahead. See that van parked across the street? There's a computerized radar gun and camera inside. If you speed, you will get caught. It's called photo radar and it's important that you know if your city uses this type of method to write speeding tickets..
10. Pay attention ahead of you for brake lights. This is an easy way to be alerted to the fact that there is an officer gunning people for speeding tickets. On highways drivers rarely hit their brakes unless someone has abruptly pulled in front of them.
11. Know what the police drive. Most drivers are oblivious to the fact that the car next to them with tinted windows is an unmarked police vehicle, until it pulls them over and gives them a speeding ticket! They will usually be the same model of cars as the marked police cruisers, just painted like the civilian version.
12. Watch out for speed traps. Speed traps are everywhere. Knowing how to spot one and where they may be in your area can be a great way to avoid a speeding ticket. Check out for a comprehensive list of speed traps anywhere in the US.
Unfortunately you cant avoid all speeding tickets, but you can greatly increase your odds of not getting one by using these tips.
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