Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Keep Your Driving Record Clean

A good driving history is necessary because if you have a bad drivers record because of too many traffic fines can end up with exceptionally high insurance rates and can even lose your license which might make life more difficult. Keeping your traffic ticket history clean will help you pay less traffic fines and keep your automobile insurance as cheap as it is right now.

When you are pulled over is when trying to preserve your driving record starts. Being nice and not having an attitude with the officer, even if you are angry, can help your chances of getting a written warning as opposed to a infraction. Because as you are probably aware of, a warning doesn't go against your driving history.

Do parking violations go on your history?

Its best to check with the city in which you received the parking ticket to determine this. Basically if you go ahead and take care of your parking tickets, they will not find their way onto your driving history.

How long does a parking ticket stay on your record?

This varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but a citation can last on your driving history for up to seven years. This can mean that even if you get a single ticket per year you could possibly lose your drivers license.

How to keep traffic tickets off your history and ways to guard your points.

Keeping your record flawless is relatively easy, drive safely and obey all traffic laws. But you might still wind up with a violation. There are a couple of strategies.

Realize that if you decide to contest your violation in traffic court you will not receive any additional points to your driving history. You never know, the ticket just may get thrown out. It can also be reduced. At worst you are found guilty of the citation. It's a no lose option to go to traffic court to try and get your infraction either reduced or taken care of altogether.

Another strategy if you have a clean driving history is to ask for driving school. This can actually be the punishment for the violation and will keep your driving history clean.

To beat your traffic tickets in traffic court, visit

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